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≡ Libro Free Highland Spirits Amanda Scott 9780821763438 Books

Highland Spirits Amanda Scott 9780821763438 Books

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Download PDF Highland Spirits Amanda Scott 9780821763438 Books

Highland Spirits Amanda Scott 9780821763438 Books

This wasn't one of Amanda Scott's better books. I was 34% through the book before the hero and heroine really met each other. The second half of the book was absolutely outstanding. But it was very slow going in the beginning. That's why I gave it three stars

Read Highland Spirits Amanda Scott 9780821763438 Books

Tags : Highland Spirits [Amanda Scott] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Pinkie MacCrighton has been plagued with dreams of a handsome ghost roaming the woods near her brother's Highland castle since childhood and when she encounters Michael Mingary,Amanda Scott,Highland Spirits,Zebra,0821763431,Romance - Historical - General,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Historical General,Fiction-Romance,MASS MARKET,Romance - Historical,RomanceHistorical,Romance: Historical

Highland Spirits Amanda Scott 9780821763438 Books Reviews

my # rule is "K.I.S.S = Keep It Simple Stupid" others i was hoping for a paranormal romance or at least an interesting ghost story(it even mentioned my favourite breed of dog)
i got NEITHER and i was(and still am) very disappointed. every time i see this book i get annoyed.

The biggest pet peeve however is all the detail and useless description. Unless someone gets strangled to death by the drapery,,,, i dont CARE what they look like!! she listed everything but the threadcount i swear!(maybe she did, i dunno, i skipped ahead a few times)

if you took all the useless detail out of the book and kept only the romance.... you'd have -A- page. the best part of the book was the back of it.
and what really made my head spin was the wedding/rape of the heroes sister... that was bad enough, surely.. but not long after the fact, after her newly acquired husband dies while trying to save two drowning children... she is suddenly seeing the bright side of her unwanted marriage. she's a rich widow and quite happy about it.
how convenient.
and the ghost is as useless as the drapery in this book. you'd think he'd have been more helpful.

No, i'm sorry, this book is a stinker. i wanted to like it and i read the entire thing - minus useless descriptions of chairs and such.
it makes a great doorstop however.. or a handy weapon if someone should break into your house. but reading material it is not - unless of course you are interested in Georgian era drapery and dresses(and the rank smell of the london streets)
Michael Mingary, Earl of Kintyre, was about to lose all his lands to Sir Renfrew Campbell because his deceased father left him with a huge debt. As the deadline drew near, he agreed to his sister's urging of traveling to London in hopes of arranging a marriage with her and Lord Charles MacCrichton.
Penelope MacCrichton had known the ghost since she was but a child. As she grew, she compared men to her ghost and they all came up lacking. When she met Michael Mingary, she was shocked to se he was her ghost's spitting image! Michael even had a deerhound that looked the same as the ghost's companion! Since it was apparent her brother did not care for Bridget, Pinkie took a chance on her heart and offered Michael another option.
*** Restack your "keeper" shelf because this one deserves a place of honor! I am a fan of Amanda Scott's writing and feel this is her best to date! In fact, I plan to search my book club in hopes of getting a copy in hard back. A riveting story with more than one plot and keeping the reader glued to the pages! ***
Great read!
Amanda Scott is an excellent writer. The accurate historical events are fun to look up while reading! Absolutely fun and interesting reading!
I like the book...
Adventure and a bit of history woven in the story. I really enjoyed reading about life in the seventeen hundreds and the struggles that happened as the power and greed of one man forced others to intervene.
I love the way this author tells a story and this one was really interesting. I liked the little bit of paranormal with the ghost too, it wasn't overdone. The only reason I docked off a star is I would have liked to see more of the interaction between the H and h, they were really lovely characters but weren't often together in the book. The background story and history were the main focus of the book and as I said, it made the book worth reading. I'm sorry that this is the end of the series as I devoured all 4 books over the weekend.
This wasn't one of Amanda Scott's better books. I was 34% through the book before the hero and heroine really met each other. The second half of the book was absolutely outstanding. But it was very slow going in the beginning. That's why I gave it three stars
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